JMO Health
Doctors' Health Advisory Service
This national service offers 24/7 confidential contact with general practitioners and psychiatrists with particular experience in doctors' mental health. They are our recommended point of first contact, and are excellently networked to provide you further help if you desire.
The DHAS can be contacted on 08 9321 3098 at all hours.
Australian Medical Association Doctors’ Health
Resources, tools and information on doctors’ health and wellbeing
Call: (08) 9273 3000 | Website
Emergency services (24/7)
Call: 000
Lifeline (24/7)
Suicide prevention and Crisis Support. Call:13 11 14
Suicide Call Back Service (24/7)
Free counselling 24/7, Call: 1300 659 467
Mens Line (24/7)
Supports men who are dealing with family, relationship and well-being difficulties
Call: 1300 78 99 78 (available 24/7) |
Urgent Mental health help
beyondblue recognises that doctors are at a particular mental health risk. Their trained counsellors can be contacted at all hours on 1300 224 636.
WA Health Employee Assistance Program
Free professional counselling service available 24/7 from Converge International on 1800 337 068 or from PPC Worldwide on 1300 361 008.
MindSpot Clinic (Anxiety & Depression)
Online and telephone clinic providing assessment and treatment for adults with anxiety and depression.
Call:1800 614 434 |
Mood Swings (Bipolar disorder)
An online self-help program for bipolar disorder.
Butterfly Foundation (Eating Disorders)
Butterfly’s ED HOPE is Australia’s national eating disorders support service providing phone, email and web counselling as well as a range of online resources.
Call: 1800 334 673 (weekdays 8am – 9pm AEST)
Mental Health
Counselling, information and support online (email and live chat) and by phone for people experiencing gambling issues.
Call: 1800 858 858 (available 24/7) |
Gambling Help
1800 Respect
National sexual assault, domestic family violence counselling service.
Call: 1800 737 732 (available 24/7) |
Blue Knot Foundation
A service to adult survivors of childhood abuse, their friends and family and the health care professionals who support them.
Call: 1300 657 380 |
Relationships Australia
Support groups and counselling on relationships, and for abusive and abused partners.
Call: 1300 364 277 |
Safe Relationships Project
Provides men and women in same sex relationships with support, advocacy, referral and information.
Call: 1800 65 64 63 (available 24/7) |
White Ribbon
Male led campaign to end violence against women.
Women's Domestic Violence Helpline: 1800 007 339 or (08) 9223 1188 Crisis Care: 1800 199 008 or (08) 9233 1111
Sexual Assault Res. Centre: 1800 199 888 or (08) 9340 1828
Men's Helpline: 1800 000 599 or (08) 9223 1199
Relationships & Assault
Alcoholics Anonymous
Program for recovery from alcohol abuse.
Call: 1300 222 222 (available 24/7) |
Alcohol & Drug Info Service
Confidential, non-judgemental 24/7 helpline for people seeking assistance with alcohol or other drug use.
Call: (08) 9442 5000 (available 24/7) |
Counselling Online
Confidential counselling and referral line for people using alcohol and other drugs.
Call: 1800 198 024 – regional
Call: (08) 9442 5000 – metropolitan (available 24/7)
Narcotics Anonymous
Program for recovery from drug abuse.
Call: 1300 652 820 (available 24/7) |
Depression and drug addiction rehab
A guide to dealing with depression before, during and after drug addiction rehabilitation, by Dr Walter Keenan and Dr David Cohen.
Substance Abuse
Freedom Centre
Provides peer support services, information, referrals and a safe social place for young people (under 26) who are LGBTI.
Call: (08) 9228 0354 |
Gender Centre
Gender Centre provides services which enhance the ability of transgender people to make informed choices.
Call: )02) 9519 7599 |
Living Proud
LGBTI Community services of WA.
Call: 1800 184 527 |
National LGBTI
Health-related programs, services and research focused on LGBTI and other sexuality and gender diverse people.
Call: (02) 8568 1123 |
sexuality & gender
I need emergency leave
What ever the reason (bereavement, sickness, mental health day), speak to Medical Workforce. They can arrange emergency leave.
Medical Workforce can be contacted on: 6152 2222 via switch